Sunday, April 11, 2010

Oops! I Did It Again...

So, how long should you wait after going to someones house, getting hammered drunk and causing all sorts of mischief, before you send them a, "Hey! I had a great time last night, am I ever going to be invited back or was that vase as expensive as it looked?", text?

Of course, I'm only speaking hypothetically here, folks. I would never actually show up at a friends house with a 6pk of Mikes Hard Lemonade, (which I drank all by my lonesome), and do and say ridiculous things until the wee hours of the morning. With the most notable of those 'things' being the PG-13 verging on R rated Justin Timberlake style 'dance-off' and the deciding I was European for the night so that I could kiss everyone on the mouth. Yep, this is all purely hypothetical and purely for research...I'm just curious...

Besides, if those things did really happen, I'd be too crippled by the humiliation to be blogging. (Either that, or I'm just so used to this sort of outcome that I'm kinda over it already and have decided that I need to literally carry around a disclaimer in my pocket).

Someone needs to invent a , 'Shenanigan-B-Gone' pill that's over the counter. Of course I'd need the extra strength...Hell, who am I kidding? Prescription strength it is!

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