Wednesday, May 26, 2010



I just took a Face Book personality 'test' thingy. Thought I'd share some info that might help ya'll understand me more better. =D

News flash, Im what the doctors call a 'extrovert'. Apparently answering 'yes' to the question, "Is it ever ok to pee with the door open in a public restroom?" will get you lumped into that extrovert category in a hurry. My beef is that they don't leave a space at the bottom for you to explain that you were only peeing with the door open because you were trying to tell the lady washing her hands that her hair looked AMAZING and that you really wanted to know where she got that skirt. See, totally legit. It never sounds as crazy once I explain...

(*side note: Chad would like to go on record as saying that im full of crap and every situation I end up in is completely ridiculous and not something that normal people do. I think we can all agree Chad is dumb.)

Part Deux: This is the part I could not agree with more. Im "colorful, zany and generally great fun to be with". SOOOO TRUE! Clearly there is some real science behind this thing because they just hit the nail on the head. "Impulsive and whimsical" -Just spot on. I dont much care for the "but don't count on them to get any work done. " part, though. Hold the hot dog cart, here fella. I'd like to know where im supposed to squeeze in time for work when im insanely busy being impulsively whimsical. I mean, what if I came to your job and told you to drop everything and do something zany and colorful that made everyone around you have a great time? How would you fare? What's that? You'd need some prep time and maybe even an assistant? That's what I thought. Suck it. Im not lazy, I just need an undefined creative outlet for the sporadic bursts of energy I get. And a cot somewhere close by for when I need to 'recharge my batteries' after a tough morning of zoning out and daydreaming about Zonkeys.

(*Side note: Zonkeys are real.. Google them. Truly majestic creatures. Body of a Donkey, striped legs of a Zebra. Awesome.)

Moving right along! This is where it got hairy for me. You know when you read/hear something about yourself that you know is true but it's kinda hard to take? Specifically because it doesnt paint you in the best light?.. Well, this was my, 'seriously? wow, that totally sucks, but I can kinda see your point' moment.

First off, I'd like to state that they pretty much tricked me into reading that horribly crappy part of the diagnosis by throwing out a sentence I considered to be a compliment. The first line was, 'You are someone who dislikes needless complexity'. And it's 100% true. I like things to be as simple as they can be. No need to add stress to my life! Im completely ANTI-drama, so this sentence reeled me in. Then it dropped the bomb on me and it took me 3 times of reading the next part to fully wrap my mind around what it was saying. To paraphrase, they polled 350,000 people and of that group, only .4% of them are LESS AGREEABLE than me! It also said that im never afraid to point out what's wrong and do not care what anyone thinks about what I have to say. DING DING DING! I knew I could be a biotch but I had clearly underestimated my potential. Im thinking I could really do big things if I focused and pushed myself to just really not give a shit. (Im curious to know why I dont get cussed out more than I do..why has no one besides Chad told me im a complete B?!)

In closing, Im a crazy ass...but Im an open minded crazy ass that doesnt mind peeing with the door open or taking a long lunch with a friend for the sole purposes of telling them how dumb their latest idea, boyfriend, wardrobe selection, etc. is. What can I say? I guess Im just a giver...

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